Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Finding Feeds

This was an interesting exercise...especially when I found a youtube video of people dancing in the library. All I did was search Sachem Public Library on Technorati. Crazy.

Blogger search is useful, and I also liked Topix. The biggest glitch I had was searching in vain for rss feeds on mainpages of news websites, rather than on the pages for specific topics. For example, I wanted the NPR feed, but the button was unavailable until I was in a specific program, like "Fresh Air." Am I making any sense????


Kara said...

Laura you seem to be ahead of me in this assignment (and seem to know what you are doing), so I have a few questions for you. For #8, I used the bloglines tutorial and setup an acct., then I added 7 newsfeeds to the account. The were on topics that were of interest to me. Is that all I needed to do for this assignment. The next one #9, do I just did to check out feedster, topix and snydic and then blog about it? Sorry about the questions just want to make sure I am on the right track. Thanks, Kara

lauralibrarian said...

Hi Kara,

I'm happy to help! Yes, you completed #8, unless you want to add the url of your bloglines page to your blog, which was optional. For #9, we just have to explore feedster, topix, etc, and blog about it. It looks like you are definitely on the right track. Laura